Have you e ve r gotte n onto one of those e -mail lists that you just can’t se e m to ge t off? Maybe you’d e ve n like to he ar from the company e ve ry now and the n, but not the hourly barrage of e -mails updating you to e ve ry ne w thought the y have .
Ye ah. We hate that too. That’s why Erie Insurance age nts make sure that you se t the ground rule s for how ofte n you want to talk to us. If you re ally like to be ke pt in the loop, we love talking to you and ke e ping you up to date with e ve ry change in your policy, e ve ry ne w blog post, and e ve rything e lse we think you should know.
But if you’d rathe r have a “don’t call us, we ’ll call you” kind of re lationship? No proble m. Just le t us know, and we won’t bothe r you. We ’ll still be ke e ping an e ye out for you, of course , making sure that e ve rything’s still going smoothly with your policy and claims. But you call the shots.
You also have a choice of how to be contacte d. Pre fe r e -mail? Gre at (though we ’ll ke e p the private stuff offline , to ke e p you safe ). Like phone calls? Pe rfe ct. Still like good old-fashione d postal mail? We ’re happy to oblige . Just le t us know.
“All insurance products are subject to terms, conditions and exclusions not described here; we can answer any questions you may have.”