It’s one of the first things that kids le arn in pre school: “Now, don’t pull Jimmy’s hair. You wouldn’t like that if he did it to you, would you?” The Golde n Rule is one of the simple st rule s in the world, and at Erie Insurance , we think it’s pre tty important.
A lot of companie s have long, complicate d mission state me nts talking about paradigms and syne rgy. Erie Insurance is a little diffe re nt, though. Whe n H.O. Hirt founde d ERIE in 1925, he wante d a busine ss that was base d on “simple common se nse , mixe d with just plain de ce ncy.” That’s why our guiding principle is familiar: “Do unto othe rs as you would have the m do unto you.”
No ne e d to complicate it or white wash it: at ERIE , the Golde n Rule is our guide . It’s e asy to re me mbe r and e ve n e asie r to apply. We ’d all like to be tre ate d with dignity, re spe ct, hone sty, and H.O. Hirt’s good old common se nse .
Afte r all, if kids in the sandbox can le arn to tre at e ach othe r we ll, why can’t your insurance company?
“All insurance products are subject to terms, conditions and exclusions not described here; we can answer any questions you may have.”
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